Types of House Roofs

house roof types

If you are building a house, there are many options available when it comes to the types of house roofs you can use. The options include flat, curved, gable, gambrel, and slate. You will need to decide which type of house roof is best for your home and the location.


Gable roof types are among the most commonly used types of roofing today. They are known for their architectural appeal and aesthetic value. Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, they offer strong protection from the elements. Choosing the right type of roofing for your house is a very important decision.

There are many different styles to choose from. Gable roofs can be built with a variety of materials. Typically, they are made of tiles, metal, and wooden planks. These roofs have a steep pitch that keeps the house out of the rain. However, they are also vulnerable to wind damage. If they are not properly installed, they can collapse.

Traditionally, gable roofs have been found on ranch-style homes and Cape Cod houses. But they have also been used to create contemporary and Craftsman-style homes.

The most common gable design involves two parallel sections of roof that slope down from a ridge. Each section is a triangular shape. This design is not too difficult to build and is relatively cost-effective.

Another gable design involves two gables that run at 90 degree angles. This gable is more complex. It is a hybrid of the Dutch and hip gable designs. In this roof, the gables extend from the bottom eaves to the peak of the ridge.

Other gable roof types include the classic and box gable. Both gable types feature a triangular section of the roof that attracts attention.


Gambrel roof types add a distinct architectural touch to homes. Often found on cottage style homes and farm houses, gambrel roofs are simple to install and provide excellent drainage. They also offer a rustic look and are relatively inexpensive.

Gambrel roofs are also a popular choice for dormers. These symmetrical two-sided panels have slopes on each side.

The two-sided panels allow for a taller loft area. However, a gambrel roof is not suitable for high winds. If your home is in an area where it can get snowy, the top slope can be too shallow to handle the weight of the snow.

Many people are confused by the difference between a gambrel and a mansard. Mansards have four sides, while gambrels have two. Both have similar shapes, however, a gambrel has a smaller slope on the bottom.

Using ACS, the Placement panel allows you to place the roof envelope onto the roof. Once the placement is completed, you can use the Property Panel to define the angle. This dialog lets you express the angle in decimal or numeric values.

In addition, the Angle (ydeg) dialog is only available for gambrel roof types. You can set the angle by using the ydeg value or the percentage value of the vertical rise per foot of horizontal run.

A gambrel can be constructed from a variety of roofing materials. Most commonly, they are built from zinc or copper sheet metal. While these materials do not come in a wide variety of colors, they are durable and will turn a light green when weathered.


There are a wide variety of slate roof types to choose from. Choosing the right one for your house will help you get the most for your money.

Although slate is a durable roofing material, it is also very expensive. It can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars for a single square to tens of thousands of dollars for a whole roof.

You will need a professional to install a slate roof, so make sure to find a good company before you sign on the dotted line. If you’re installing the roof yourself, keep in mind that it can be tricky. Slate requires a strong support structure to keep it from cracking.

The benefits of a natural slate roof include longevity, resistance to pests and moisture, and a multitude of colours and textures. But, it is important to note that slate is very heavy. In order to install it on your roof, you must consider the slope of the roof and ensure the maximum inclination.

Although the slate roof olympics are all the rage, choosing the wrong roofing material can lead to a big headache. Not only will you have to invest in the materials required, but you will have to hire professionals to install and maintain your new roof.

Luckily, you can easily find manmade alternative roofing materials that have the same look and feel as real slate. One of these is fibre cement. Fibre cement is a popular choice because of its low cost and long life span.


Curved house roof types are a special type of roof that are often used on cottages and other properties. They add a unique, modern element to any home. They also help to lower the amount of harmful CO2 emissions.

They are easy to install, and require little maintenance. However, you should consult an architect to ensure that the roof is made correctly. Also, be sure to choose a curved design that is appropriate for the region.

A curved roof can be built from a variety of materials. Wood, metal, and tile are common choices. Usually, softer materials are preferred.

Metals like aluminum are preferred because they can be bent more easily, creating a more compact bend. These materials are also easier to install and cost less than other types of materials.

The cost of a curved roof depends on several factors. The material chosen, the size of the roof, and the height of the curve all play a role. For instance, a small, simple curved roof may not require much work, while a large, complex curved roof will require the skills of an architect.

Curved house roof types include the Convexly Curved Roof, Barrel Vaulted Panels, and S-shaped Curve Panels. These panels combine both convex and concave curves.

These types of curved roofs are also known as arched-roofs, Gothic-Roofs, and Rainbow-Roofs. It is best to hire an experienced architect to build your curved roof.


If you’re planning a new building, you might consider one of the various flat house roof types. These are a great choice for residential properties, especially those that feature outdoor living spaces. They’re also less expensive to install than other options.

Flat roofs are often the best choice for commercial buildings. This is because they provide a lot of air-conditioned space. Also, they can be a cost-effective way to add more room for solar panels and other passive lighting solutions.

Aside from the obvious benefits of a flat roof, you’ll find some unique applications as well. One example is the green roof. The term “green” roof is usually used to describe a roof that’s constructed with a waterproof system underneath.

Flat roofs aren’t as effective at shedding water as pitched roofing. Water can build up and pool on these roofs if they’re not properly maintained. However, it’s possible to have a high-quality flat roof.

The main advantage of a flat roof is that it allows for easier maintenance. You can clean the surface by sweeping away fallen branches and leaves. Another option is to remove accumulated debris that can block water outlets.

As with any type of roof, you should perform an annual inspection. Your local building authority may require a special permit for flat roofs.

The most important thing to remember about flat roofs is to properly insulate them. Not doing so can lead to mold problems.


There are many different types of cross-hipped house roofs. They are especially popular in the U.S. and Europe. They are a good choice for homes in areas where hurricanes are common.

One of the most commonly used is the A-frame. This is a simple and affordable roof design. It has angles toward the ground and is primarily found in the United States and Europe.

Another type of hip roof is the dutch gable. This is a hybrid of the hip and gable roof. The gable section on this style of roof provides additional space and light.

Hip roofs are often used on church steeples. In addition to their practicality, they can add to the aesthetic appeal of your home. You can even connect several hip roofs together to form an L-shaped building.

Cross-hipped roofs are also commonly used on L-shaped houses. They are great for complex layouts. Their seam can accommodate a gutter system. If you are considering adding a hip roof to your home, talk with your architect and builder. Also, be sure to check out the available insurance discounts. Many insurance companies offer a discount for building hip-style roofs in hurricane-prone areas.

Gable roofs are most common on the east coast of Canada. They are stable in heavy rain and provide a lot of room inside the home.

M-shaped roofs are also common. These are usually used to connect multiple houses. They are particularly popular in the cape cod style of home.